Introducing HCU's U7-U11 Saturday Game Days! Come join our Spring internally run game days and meet our Skill Centre Coaches and some of the players. This is a great opportunity to get a feel for the Skill Centre level in a fun game based environment that includes players from both HCU's Mini Community (U7-U11) program as well as our Skill Centre (U7-U11) program.
These 4 game days will consist of showing up to BMOSC indoor facility, where the HCU Mini and Skill Centre Coaches you all know will be there to greet and split players into teams to play for the hour.
Who: Open to players (U7-U11) born between 2013-2018
Where: BMO Indoor Soccer Centre Field 4
Duration: 4 Weeks 1 session / week (March 30th, April 6th, 13th & 20th)
- 10:00-11:00am: U7/8 Boys and Girls
- 11:00-12:00pm: U9 Boys and Girls
- 12:00-1:00pm: U10/11 Girls
- 1:00-2:00pm: U10/11 Boys
Cost: $40
If you have any questions please contact: